Wednesday 21 December 2011

FAQs ON Amul Parlours

FAQs on Amul parlours

Q.1. What do I need to have to create an Amul parlour?

  • A shop with an area of 100-300 sq ft.
  • Willingness to invest Rs. 1- 1.5 lacs
  • There are options for creating parlours at open spaces as well

Q.2. What do I need to do?

  • Renovate your shop based on the design and specifications provided by Amul. It may cost you in the range of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 100,000.
  • Brand Deposit: Refundable deposit of Rs. 25,000 locked in for three year.
  • Equip the outlet with deep-freezers, refrigerators/visi-coolers, chest milk coolers, oven, dispensing machine, etc. based on the customer profile and expected volume of sales. The local Amul representative will be in a position to guide you on machines required, their capacity, type, etc. Equipping your outlet will cost you around Rs. 80,000 to Rs.100,000.

Q.3. Where will I get supplies/stocks?

Amul’s wholesale dealers will supply you the entire range of Amul products at your shop. Our product portfolio is divided into three broad categories:
  • Dairy Products: It includes our entire range of dairy products which is further divided as
  • a. Ambient or those kept in room temperature, also referred to as 'dry' products like Ghee, milk powders, flavored milk, etc.
    b. Chilled products also referred to as 'wet' products. These products are stored at or below 4o centigrade, like butter, cheese, chocolates, etc. These products are stored in refrigerator or visi-cooler (glass front refrigerator) or chest milk coolers at the shop.
  • Ice-cream range or frozen category, which is stored and transported in a frozen condition (- 28o centigrade or below). This category includes Ice-creams, frozen pizzas and frozen paneer, and are stored in deep-freezers at shops.
  • Pouch Milk or Fresh products: This includes pouch milk, buttermilk and curd. These products are also stored in refrigerator or visi-cooler (glass front refrigerator) or chest milk coolers at the shop.

Q.4. How will Amul support me?

  • Amul would provide the design and specifications for renovation of the outlet. It will provide consultancy if required and will also inspect the work of the contractor.
  • Amul will help in assessing the business potential of the shop and will help in making the business plan.
  • Amul will guide you in purchase of various equipment. It will also help you in choosing between the various sizes and types available based on its experience of the business.
  • Amul will provide signages and glowsign to the outlet at its own cost.
  • Amul shall help in the inauguration activities by way of local promotions.
  • Exclusive consumer offers would be made available through Amul preferred outlets which are not extended elsewhere.

Q.5. What kind of returns can I expect from my business

It has been our experience that franchisees who follow the right practices have been successful. It also depends on your location and the products you are able to sell. The margins are good and you can even recover your investments in less than one year.
Dairy ProductsIce CreamTotal
(In Rs. per month)
Gross Margins Earned90001200021,000
Less: Electricity Charges2,000
Less: Rentals5,000
Less: Misc Expenses2,000
Net Margins Earned12,000

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